
DevTest Labs

Alex Mags
Great talk on enabling developers to make use of DevTest labs on Azure

Nordic Infrastructure Conference

Alex Mags
While hunting for some Hyper-V videos, I came across recorded sessions from the 4th Nordic Infrastructure Conference. No sales pitches, only some great talks from field hardened consultants. The sessions are focused on Enterprise Infrastructure (Microsoft Windows Server, System Centre, Azure, PowerShell DSC, Identity Management, Security/hacking). Session Info Recorded sessions:

MSDN subscriptions for your developers get you cheaper Azure VMs

Alex Mags
We know Visual Studio Pro with MSDN gets you unlimited Windows Server (including Hyper-V for virtualisation) and unlimited SQL. This is a way of licensing Microsoft software in your on premises test and development environments. You can now bring your own MSDN licences with you to Azure. This way the Microsoft software in your Windows and SQL VMs on Azure is already paid for and you pay the equivalent of Linux rates for Windows and SQL VMs on Azure.

RHEL on Azure. Finally!

Alex Mags
I got a message today from our Red Hat account manager to let me know that Microsoft has signed Red Hat’s Certified Cloud Service Provider agreement, meaning that over time they will make available, and be available to host, Red Hat products in Azure. RHEL will become the premium Enterprise Linux offering in Azure. This is fantastic news for Red Hat Customers. Previously Azure was not a Red Hat Certified Platform.