RHEL on Azure. Finally!
I got a message today from our Red Hat account manager to let me know that Microsoft has signed Red Hat’s Certified Cloud Service Provider agreement, meaning that over time they will make available, and be available to host, Red Hat products in Azure.
RHEL will become the premium Enterprise Linux offering in Azure.
This is fantastic news for Red Hat Customers. Previously Azure was not a Red Hat Certified Platform. But now we’ll be able to get Red Hat supporting RHEL on Azure.
My employer uses RHEL and before now we were not able to consider Azure as a potential cloud platform.
More details here: Microsoft_Red Hat_EXTERNAL FAQ_FINAL_110415_02
There’s some links to various sources of further information below. If you can’t view the webcasts live they should be available recorded via the same links for a few days afterwards:
Press and Analyst Webcast: https://vts.inxpo.com/scripts/Server.nxp?LASCmd=AI:4;F:QS!10100&ShowKey=28455 (this is a recording)
Public Webcast: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/campaigns/redhat/webinar/
Paul Cormier Blog Post: http://www.redhat.com/en/about/blog/enabling-todays-hybrid-reality-broader-choice-red-hat-and-microsoft (Executive vice president and president, Products and Technologies)