Remote desktop protocol 8.1
TL;DR Make RDP better on Win7. Enable UDP support with this update.
Add support for RDP 8.1 to Windows 7. Both an updated RDP client (useful when connecting to Windows Server 2012) and updates for the terminal server service. There are quite a few hotfix prerequisites that took a while to install. I found it quicker to extract the cab files from within the MSU hotfix files (used 7zip) and install using dism. See the install wrapper below. The sysnative stuff is a workaround for 32bit System Center Config Manager agent on 64bit machines running command lines in 32bit space. The 32bit version of dism can’t install 64bit updates. Remember RDP 8 uses UDP 3389 as well as TCP 3389 now so update any firewall policies/AWS security groups.
@echo off
title Remote Desktop Protocol 8
REM 1.KB 2574819: An update is available that adds support for DTLS in Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
REM 2.KB 2857650: Update that improves the RemoteApp and Desktop Connections features is available for Windows 7
REM 3.KB 2830477: Update for RemoteApp and Desktop Connections feature is available for Windows
REM 4.KB 2913751: Smart card redirection in remote sessions fails in a Windows 7 SP1-based RDP 8.1 client
REM 5.(Optional) If you experience connection reliability issues after installing KB 2913751, we recommend installing KB 2923545: Update for RDP 8.1 is available for Windows 7 SP1 .
set MyLog=c:\\windows\\temp\\RDP8.1.log
if exist C:\\windows\\SysNative\\dism.exe set dismpath=C:\\windows\\SysNative
if not exist C:\\windows\\SysNative\\dism.exe set dismpath=C:\\windows\\system32
set currentfolder=%~dp0
Echo Applying RDP8.1 Prerequisite updates.
Echo Started %TIME%
set hotfix=Windows6.1-KB2574819-v2-x64
Echo Installing %hotfix%
REM start /wait %currentfolder%%hotfix%.msu /quiet /norestart
%dismpath%\\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:%currentfolder%%hotfix%\\ /norestart
echo %hotfix% return code %errorlevel% >> %mylog%
set hotfix=Windows6.1-KB2857650-x64
Echo Installing %hotfix%
REM start /wait %currentfolder%%hotfix%.msu /quiet /norestart
%dismpath%\\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:%currentfolder%%hotfix%\\ /norestart
echo %hotfix% return code %errorlevel% >> %mylog%
set hotfix=Windows6.1-KB2830477-x64
Echo Installing %hotfix%
REM start /wait %currentfolder%%hotfix%.msu /quiet /norestart
%dismpath%\\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:%currentfolder%%hotfix%\\ /norestart
echo %hotfix% return code %errorlevel% >> %mylog%
set hotfix=Windows6.1-KB2913751-x64
Echo Installing %hotfix%
REM start /wait %currentfolder%%hotfix%.msu /quiet /norestart
%dismpath%\\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:%currentfolder%%hotfix%\\ /norestart
echo %hotfix% return code %errorlevel% >> %mylog%
set hotfix=Windows6.1-KB2923545-x64
Echo Installing %hotfix%
REM start /wait %currentfolder%%hotfix%.msu /quiet /norestart
%dismpath%\\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:%currentfolder%%hotfix%\\ /norestart
echo %hotfix% return code %errorlevel% >> %mylog%
set hotfix=Windows6.1-KB2592687-x64
Echo Installing %hotfix%
REM start /wait %currentfolder%%hotfix%.msu /quiet /norestart
%dismpath%\\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:%currentfolder%%hotfix%\\ /norestart
echo %hotfix% return code %errorlevel% >> %mylog%
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