Cooking for engineers - Aioli garlic mayo


Here’s the technical specification for a Aioli also known as garlic mayo. Goes well with seafood or chicken. You make a garlic paste by drawing the back of a knife over chopped cloves. The raw garlic is punchy!.


  • Mixing bowl
  • Eletric hand mixer
  • A glass for unused egg white


  • 175ml vegatable oil in a jar
  • 4 garlic cloves (5 if small)
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 tsp lemon juice

Implementation steps:

  1. Get the vegatable oil measured out first as you won’t have spare hands for mixing later.
  2. Peel the skin off garlic cloves and roughly chop


  1. Sprinkle salt over the chopped garlic to act as a light abrasive

chopped garlic salted

  1. Pressing down on the flat side of a knife, mash the salted garlic. Scape it together and repeat. It’ll take a 4 or 5 passes to get a nice paste.

pasting garlic pasting garlic

  1. Separate the yolk from the egg white. In the glass, crack the egg so you get two shell halves. Let the egg white go into the glass while catching the egg yolk in the shell halves.
  2. In the bowl mix egg yolk, garlic paste and lemon juice
  3. Get electric hand mixer going, whisking the egg yolk, garlic paste and juice together.
  4. Now, somehow, while keeping hand mixer going and bowl from skittering around, slowly add oil a little at a time
  5. Each time you add a little oil wait for it to be incorporated before adding more.

pasting garlic

  1. Put the egg white away for breakfast


aioli side with breaded chicken
